Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Is this the Axelrod surprise? Voter reports problem with ballot machine | machine, screen, voter - Local - Sun Journal

Voter reports problem with ballot machine | machine, screen, voter - Local - Sun Journal

Florida! Awake!

No Longer Will We Stand Idly By – Tenth Amendment Center

American Rescue Team in Chile -Jeff Hart

Regarding the mine rescue, did you know:

The guy that designed the rescue module was a NASA Engineer?

The Drill was made by Schramm Inc.  from Pennsylvania.

The Drill Bits were made by Center Rock, Inc.  located in Berlin, Pennsylvania.

The lead driller Jeff Hart and his team are from Denver, Colorado.  They are on loan from the US Military in Afghanistan where they are drilling water wells for our Forward Operating Bases. 

He spent the next 33 days on his feet, operating the drill that finally provided a way out Saturday for 33 trapped miners.  "You have to feel through your feet what the drill is doing; it's a vibration you get so that you know what's happening," explained Hart.

Hart called it the most difficult hole they had ever drilled, because of the lives at stake.

"If you're drilling for oil and you lose the hole, it's different.  This time there's people down below," Stefanic said.
Miners' relatives crowded around Hart on Saturday, hugging and posing for pictures with him as he walked down from the rescue operation into the tent camp where families had anxiously followed his work.

Here's the BS. As in BAD SHIT.

In a different day and age, Jeff Hart would be the most famous American in our country right now.  He would be honored at the White House.  Schoolchildren would learn of his skill and heroism.  But because Jeff Hart works in an industry currently being demonized by Obama, very few will hear of this... 

November is only a start. Remember that it took Reagan to 18 months to undo what that buck toothed jackass Carter did to this country. Obama has been deliberate about DESTROYING the moral, financial and free-market infrastructure in this country. Aided and abetted by a a Democrat congress for TWO YEARS. 

Fellow Tea Partiers! We don't stop in November. We stay on the "Ruling Class" until they, including all the bureaucrats in D.C. and every state capital undestand: THEY'RE DONE. FOREVER. (Unless they'd like to emigrate to Russia, Mexico, Spain or the frickin' Middle East.)

I never say this at the end of my blog. But this story is so simple. And so emblematic of what the Ruling Class, including the media elites, are doing to this country. Please. Pass it on to the people you know that have some brain cells left.
God Bless America. Yeah. God has blessed America. Now, as it has been in critical times in the past, it's time to EARN IT!