It occurred to as I was listening to this Rush audio that the way Obama operates could have been easily predicted, and not even so much by his politics, but by his culture.
As you look at the leadership of the Black community in the U.S., a common theme emerges, one that is reminscent of the Irish culture in Ireland itself. Fixing blame. Both cultures have had troubled pasts. Pasts filled with various levels of slavery, both full and indentured. Both cultures have suffered under the yoke of tyranny, only in the last few decades shaking free of their oppressors. So certainly, both cultures have every right to be angry, and to fix blame.
Nontheless, they are not alone in their suffering. Neither Blacks nor the Irish are the only cultures that have been oppressed. They are not the only people or nation of people who have been the victims of tyranny. Both ethnicities combined in number of people and years of suffering cannot come close to documented thousands of years of what the Jews have endured. And how about the Russians? Chinese? Aboriginals?
In all the books I've read that are historically based, oppressed minorities and in some cases, majorities, have only truly become free of their oppression by putting it behind them and focusing on their futures. The future of themselves personally, but more importantly, the future of their children.
I believe this has begun happening in Ireland. With greater independence from the British and perhaps even more important, the government and reliance on "The Dole", has come new initiative and great entrepenurial spirit. Even as Europe is beginning to sink under the expectations of citizens becoming ever more dependent on the government, Ireland has seen rapid and sustainable growth. The Irish men and women have ceased focusing on "The Troubles" and have started thinking about the future. And the future of their children. (With the exception of joining the EU!)
But what is happening with Americans of African descent? After watching President Obama's speech last night, not much. Here is potentially the greatest new era leader for Blacks in America. A man who has achieved the very pinnacle of success in the United States, and his message to his nation and to his "people"? Blame others for your failure. Punish others for their success. Let's "even the playing field" by oppression and calling it, "fairness". This is the culture that two wrongs do make a right, as long as the wrongs are done by you. This is the culture of the past. The culture of blame, the culture of selfishness because it refuses to see the damage it does to itself and the generations who will follow in the future. What happens in the past is only important in how it prepares you for the future and for handling the responsibility of life.
I wonder what Bill Cosby's message would have been to the nation last night. Maybe much the same in terms of goals, but based on what he has said in the past, I don't think it would fix blame, but focus on the future and the importance of taking responsibility.
In the movie Rising Sun, Sean Connery lectures police officer Wesley Snipes. "That's the difference between us and the Japanese. We fix blame. They fix problems."
I think it's too much to expect that kind of leadership from Obama now. But how about Thomas Sowell? How about Clarence Thomas? Hell, how about Bill Cosby? Why are these leaders ignored, hell, vilified by the majority of Blacks? And ironically these all are exactly the kind of leaders we ALL need, black, white, yellow, brown. I look forward to the day when I can enter the voting booth and vote for any leader from a "minority" culture that is "laser focused" on the future of his or her country and the culture they came from. A leader who will fix problems. Not blame.
This is so damn true. It's a god damn shame too.