Monday, November 23, 2009

Big Bird drops the dime on Michelle O

Haha. Can't wait to hear from the trolls on this one!


  1. Once again you like Fox need to hire comedians to do your work. Why not show the actual Big Bird episode? The truth to much for you? Still spreading lies, hate, fear and bigotry.

  2. Ha ha! I knew it. Same troll. Same sorry hackneyed phrase. Wump!

  3. I certainly can't take anyone seriously who doesn't know the difference between "to" and "too."

  4. But of course you'll accept a lie. A lie is a lie.
    Treason is treason.

  5. Treason. Wow. And I thought Big Bird was trippin'

  6. You must never talk against a President. It is Treason. Look at how liberals never spoke against President Bush. So if you speak against Obama, it is not only racist, bigoted and hateful, it is also treasonous. I bleed with guilt. (SOB)

  7. Racism oozes from Liberal policies. Abortion largely kills minority babies. Affirmative Action assumes only whites can make it on merit alone, and is therefore insulting to all minorities. Welfare undermines individual work-ethic and creates human suckling pigs. And yet those of us who want everyone to rise above the Liberal agenda of indoctrination and dependence are called racists, bigots, extremists, and a slew of other nasty things. Liberalism relies on the perpetuation of the underdogs to remain relevant, and therefore thrives on racism.

  8. If Big Bird is a traitor, can I call dibs on a drumstick now, or do I have to wait until after the execution?
